Top Acid Reflux Pointers To Help You

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Nobody is immune from acid reflux. As much as 33% of people in America have it. Despite its relatively commonplace nature, very few people know exactly how to prevent or treat it. The piece that follows includes lots of ideas for managing the problem.

If you are pregnant, there is a higher chance of developing acid reflux. When the baby matures in your body, there will be more acid that develops. A diet of low-fat, low-acid foods helps to prevent this. Also, you can try soothing teas.

Do not eat large meals right before you go to bed at night. It’s wise to eschew meals that last three hours of your day. You could wake up with heartburn if you do this.

Eliminate spicy foods from your diet to help alleviate acid reflux symptoms. Spicy foods can cause your stomach to produce more acid. You can easily avoid acid reflux if you do not eat spicy foods.

Go seek the care of a doctor right away if you notice you have bloody stool or if you’re vomiting blood. This is indicative of bigger issues than simple acid reflux. Testing will rule out other diseases and help your doctor come up with a proper diagnosis.

A leading cause of acid reflux is stress. When you’re really stressed out, your stomach acid production increases, which causes reflux. Engage in pleasant pursuits following meals. Meditate, do some yoga, go for a walk or read a book.

Some trigger foods cause acid reflux. Things like fried foods, alcohol, beverages with caffeine, and chocolate are some of the most common reflux causing foods. Citrus fruits and acidic vegetables like tomatoes are also well known culprits. Having said this, acid reflux triggers are different for every person; therefore, you must learn which foods cause acid reflux and which ones don’t. If you want to be completely safe, just avoid these things.

Slippery elm helps coat your stomach and reduces the impact of acid reflux on the stomach lining. This helps protect your stomach from the acid within. Some folks take a couple tablespoons of it in water each night before going to bed.

Stop smoking now. Quitting smoking will help improve your health and acid reflux. Smoking slows down digestion and increases acid in your stomach. Smoking will also decrease saliva production, further hindering digestion. Quit today to feel better tomorrow.

Keep track of what foods cause your symptoms. Certain foods and beverages are more likely to cause these effects. You can still eat small quantities of the foods that trigger acid reflux but you need to be very careful.

Smoking can cause serious problems if you suffer from reflux. Your stomach acid is increased by nicotine and this will make acid reflux worse. But when it is time to quit smoking, do it with some help. Cold turkey puts the body under stress and this can make your acid reflux problems worse. Try to quit slowly.

If you struggle with the effects of acid reflux, you’re certainly not alone. Millions of others are in the same position. If you’re one of them, don’t let it control your life. Take steps to fight it. Use what you have learned here to become proactive in your methods, so that you can live a more comfortable existence in spite of your acid reflux.